Basics of Magick Classes

Hybrid Class starts October 11th with 3 in-person sessions and 10 virtual

 This is the class where spirit and science meet!

Learn the basics of mystic work and how to make any authentic spiritual system work for you. We help you gain control over your own psychic energy, help you use divination tools, work with the elements, learn real meditation, understand chakra work, commune with spiritual energies, and figure out the messages from your Higher self.

Class taught by Sienna Newcastle, a licensed mental health professional. $20 per person per lesson, each lesson held on Wednesday nights for 13 weeks. Scholarships and sliding scale spaces available.

We touch on Wicca and witch craft, Shamanism, Druidry, Paganism, Earth and Elemental worship, Golden Dawn, Satanic beliefs, tarot, astrology, divination, aura reading, Qabbalah, chakras, and much more.

This class started in 1996, in the back of a bookstore. It has morphed and grown and become a force for controlled change in people’s lives. Basics of Magick has over 200 graduates in the Portland area. Many say it has changed their life!

We ask that participants be at least 16 years old, due to mature subject matter. Must pre-register to attend.


Lesson Titles:

  • 1 Using the Current, Reading list and definitions handed out. Thinking Around Corners. (in person)
  • 2 Beginning Power, Solar adorations, meal charging, candle trick, quarter game. Choose your divination tools. Start of the stone project.
  • 3 Symbolism and Focus, Pictorial Meditation, Dream hands assignment.  Earth Elemental meditation.
  • 4 Practicing Safe Magick (or Sex, Drugs, and Rock-N-Roll) First impressions assignment,  Air elemental meditation.
  • 5 Further Power, Greatest fear/greatest desire meditation.  Water Elemental meditation.  Divination tools– guest teacher possible. (in person)
  • 6 Train your Brain . Drawing Down the Moon, Fire Elemental Meditation. Altar building instructions.
  • 7 Chakras  Coffin meditation, Introduction to energy clearing via chakra work.
  • 8 The Abyss  Exercises for energy clearing, taming demons.
  • 9 Heavy Power: Working with heavier energies.  Begin invocation project.( in person)
  • 10 Balance:  magickal occurrences, Balanced awareness. Work on Group Ritual.
  • 11: The extra lesson: Psychology, consent, and Maslow’s pyramid
  • 12 Paradigm Shift: wrap up all homework, conclusion of stone project.
  • 13: Graduation.  All students must participate in the ritual.  Invite whoever you wish.  Graduation will be held in person on the date of the last class.